Hello, folks of the WWW! I’m a dude born in 1999, who happens to study mathematics. My fursona is a lion called Aurel, hence the name of this site. I love to make games with the programming language Lua and Love2D and I will use a section to display my newest creations. Thanks to love.js you can play them all in the browser!
In fact I stitched this site together with the help of Lua. That’s not all, because you might think that this text you are reading was orginally typed in a HTML document. That is not the case. I only use HTML/CSS for the plain structure of the site. I write the content in Djot which is a lightweight markup language like Markdown. More details will be provided in a follwing blog post.
Things I like
My family and my boyfriend!
Programming, Linux, Theoretical CompSci
Video Games
Things I don’t like
Not questioning things
Coercion, violence, rudeness
Description | Date |
first version published | 25-11-2022 |
first blog post; emojis; minor layout changes; removed stubs | 01-12-2022 |
improved stylesheet; added Snowfall | 02-12-2022 |
added Mastofeed | 07-12-2022 |
added button and html to embed | 12-01-2023 |
Title | Date | Tags |
How I made this blog | 01-12-2022 | tech; programming; |
The Arcade Museum in Krakow | 12-12-2022 | games; fun; |
Games and other Applets
Title | Genre | Status |
Snake | Arcade | Finished |
Snowfall | Non-Game, Simulation | WIP |
Duckvaders | Arcade, Shooter | WIP |